Now a days back pain is very common. Lower back pains may underline a host of diseases, some of the most distinctive being the degeneration of lumbar disc and back pain due to strain of back muscles. If left unattended, these acute duration of severe pain (Lower back Pain) can lead to further complications, beyond the scope of both active and passive physical treatment regimes. Hence, it is always recommended to attend to these minuscule symptoms of back pain as soon as they are detected.
How physiotherapy works wonders in lower back pains:
- Physiotherapy is recommended when lower back pains are frequent, or stretch for days at a time. Most medical literatures, which shower their unanimous support in favour of physiotherapy for lower back pain, make note that physiotherapy relieves pain, as well as improves the functions, which are most likely to be affected by this disorder.
- Back Pain emanating, following a surgery, is recognized as one of the most significant aspects where benefits of physiotherapy are more visible. Generally, patients are advised to undergo physiotherapy sessions after surgical procedures irrespective of age and gender, unless the move is contraindicated in specific cases.
- Muscular spasms and muscle shrinking is a highly familiar phenomenon observed in individuals who are relatively less active. Muscle shrinking can often be attributed to very low usage of certain muscles, while muscle spasm can occur when neurons at the affected muscles are irritated. Physiotherapy is observed as both the first line as well as the second line of treatment regimen in such occurrences; a routine for gradual and slow stretching is recommended by physiotherapists involving the muscles of legs, hips, abdomen and lower back, based on their intensity of pain (Back Pain).
- Advanced stages of a physiotherapy treatment regime upgrade the simple stretching exercises to more rigorous ones like specific stabilizing drills, exercises involving balancing machines and/or exercise balls. This aspect of physiotherapy caters to the secondary spine muscles of the human body.
- The area of the body considered to be the core of lower back pain (lower back muscles and muscles of abdomen) requires more than just stretching or exercises involving machines. Workout focused on these core areas are based on a complex set of exercises, which may have to be improvised such that the aforementioned muscles absorb the maximum shock.
- In addition to these conventional exercises, which are based on applications of gravity, some centres offer a different environment for individuals who are unable to perform activities in normal conditions. The concept of aquatic pools addresses the issue, and makes exercising quite an easy feat for the physically challenged individuals.