Now a days if we look at the children going to school, they are bend completely to hold the weight of bags on their back. These bags are too heavy for their physical and mental health because of that, their posture becomes bad. Schedule of our children are so tight, even they do not have time to play. They have lot of load on their brain about studies, projects, activities, extra classes, competition classes, etc..Do they have enough time after school to spend according to their wish. Even most of the time they also spend in school bus or cab or Auto. They run just like a clock.?No doubt this generation is sharp but we are not giving enough space to their brain to develop completely. Not only about the mental health, their physical health is also disturbed. If we read the posture of the students, it?s completely disturbed and bad. In future how they will survive. We teach the students good and bad posture and the most surprising thing is that we our self making the poor posture of the children. A lot of children have kyphotic posture because of their school bags and less physical activities and most important strength & stamina. Reduce the stress of students?mental & physical. A recent study of Year Five and Year Eleven students compared the differences in posture of students who did not carry a school bag with those who did. This study demonstrated that carrying a school bag did in fact cause postural changes in both groups of students. It also concluded that carrying a school bag was identified as an external load that may have an effect on the developing spine Things to consider:

1. Bag Weight: The recommended weight of any bag should not exceed 10% of the child?s body weight
2. Bag Style: The best style of bag is undoubtedly a back pack. This will ensure that the load is carried evenly and distributed evenly. When fitted properly a back pack should contour tightly to your child?s back.
Features of a bag that are beneficial include:
? Adjustable straps ? Ensure you can keep the load as close to the back as possible
? Hip straps- Assists in the distribution of weight
? Padding- Adds comfort to the bag
? Compartments ? This helps with being able to distribute the weight in the bag as evenly as possible You should also AVOID any shoulder bags as these cause imbalances and strains on the body.
? 3. Lockers: Now a days most school have lockers. Encourage your child to use them, rather than carry all of their books around with them. This can help reduce the load in the bag. It is also a good idea to ascertain exactly what needs to be taken to school to ensure your child is not bringing things they don?t need.
4. Sitting: When setting up an area for homework try to adjust it as much as possible to suit your child, not the other way around. At Back to Basics we believe in preventative measures, if you feel your child is experiencing any postural abnormalities come in and see to best physiotherapist. Keep an eye on your child?s posture when they are using a PC or laptop and tailor a treatment plan Let them breath freely. Give them ample time to play and other physical activities. Make the future healthy and happy.
Bad Posture #