If you find yourself dealing with back pain problems on regular basis, it?s worth making sure that your everyday habits are? back friendly? When something done without proper form, routine activities- cleaning house, working at desk, driving, gardening, sleeping, cooking or activities of daily routine can take a toll on your back. Be kind to […]
Does exercise help with Immunity Management of your body ?

Yes, Regular exercise is important and helping to improve your immunity. The thumb rule for Immunity is Balanced diet. Minimum 30 minutes daily walk. Plenty of physical exercise daily or Stretching exercises. Dr payal Physiotherapy Clinic : How to improve your immunity during corona / Covid 19 Pandemic by Stretching Exercises This will helps people […]
Importance of Stretching: Series 3

Importance of Stretching: Stretches the Chest, Neck, Spine and Hips. Strengthens the Back, Buttocks and Hamstrings. Improves Circulation of Blood. Helps alleviates stress and mild depression. ?????????? ?? ?????: ????????? ?????, ???, ?????? ?? ?????? ???, ????? ?? ??????????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?? […]
Importance of Stretching : Series 2

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Importance of Stretching

You Should know that??..Stretching increases blood flow to the muscle. Increases oxygen levels. Helps improve flexibility, improving range of motion in your body Joints. Releases tension in both the body and mind.
Importance of Walking just 30 minutes a day

Walking just 30 minutes a day , Helps you lose weight and reduce stress, Lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of many chronic diseases. Regular walks is one of the best and easiest things you can do for your health. ???? ?? ??? ???? ???????. ??? ??? ????? 30 ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? […]
Relieves Lower Back Pain..

YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT?? When you do Happy baby pose regularly to Relieves Lower Back Pain. Stretches & Soothes the spine. Calms the Brain. Help relieve Stress and Fatigue. ???? ?? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? […]
Bad Impact on spine due to Back pocket purse

Impact on Spine due to Back pocket Purse
Stretching Posture for Back Pain

This area which causes strain to stiffness and causes back pain in the lower back. This area should be stretched every day, especially if you sit all day long. ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ???????? ???????? ???? ???? […]
Best Sleeping Positions for Back Pain

One of the most Common pain conditions during night that people experienced. They don?t know the best sleep positions to avoid back pain. It?s estimated that 78% of adults suffer from back pain and the percentage gradually increasing each year for a multiple reasons. One of the most common reasons because most of the people […]